Are you a man who is into blondes with blue eyes and brains too? I am here for you, just the right package that you have always been craving for. I am more than willing to quench that desire that you have been having for a very long time. Come and have a feel of these juicy and luscious boobs all night. I will give you all the pleasures of the flesh; touch you where you have never been touched before. I know massage and I will massage the fatigue out of your bones and muscles. My sweet name is Darya, say it … you got it right. Am only 22 years of age but let that not fool you into thinking that am not experienced when it comes to matters romance because once you have an encounter with me, it will be the beginning of you wanting me more and more. My body is just perfect for this kind of business as I am 5 ft 5 tall and my body weight is 112 lbs. I have been in this business for quite some time hence I can make all your woes disappear with a magic touch. I am the perfect package for you because I have a good body, all the experience needed in the bedroom and some sense of humor to spicy up everything. Despite being young at age, I am mature and educated which is an added advantage because I can also accompany you to your corporate events as I know how to dress the part, speak the part and can even throw in some charm, just the thing that you need to win some of the deals that you so desire. I am a good conversation starter but then again, I know when to stop. I know how to interact with the high and mighty in the society.